LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV - An atypical player in the Think and Do Tanks landscape
I am Paul Elvere DELSART, a name that may not ring many bells, but my life’s work is dedicated to engineering a profound transformation in society.
Changing the world will be through complex systems science, distributed architecture, network-centrism (Network Centric Warfare) & social constructivism.
I propose a solution to all conflicts: EL4DEV international multidisciplinary and participative program
I promote the concepts of SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY and POLITICAL-SOCIETAL UNIONS then build their processes and tools.
EL4DEV Societal Diplomacy, based on societal exchanges rather than economic ones, could promote mutual understanding between civilizations. Regional socio-political unions could provide spaces for collaboration on shared values.
My vision doesn’t stop at national borders. I actively encourage all nations to embrace principles of self-sufficiency, sovereignty, and the welfare of their citizens. I carry out independent diplomatic actions for peace, transcending established state structures.
My objective is to provide a highly stimulating framework and adequate participatory tools to initiate unprecedented mass decentralized cooperation and quantifiable and modelable progress actions to thus positively transform the socio-organizational environment of the countries of the world. All of them are concerned by this approach and these actions.
I conceptualize and design several societal, environmental, innovative and educative development projects that are innovative and transformative at a regional, national and cross-national level. These projects are envisioned to foster intellectual and creative cooperation on an unprecedented scale. Their potential lies not only in shaping international relations and diplomacy but also in fostering national unity and stability.
The Think and Do Tank I founded and I preside (LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV) is the brain of the program.
We design and launch innovative concepts, alternative processes and development projects.
In particular, we design and promote innovative leisure parks and eco-landscape, eco-tourism, agro tourism, agro-climatic, educational and interconnected infrastructures labelled LE PAPILLON SOURCE. They are tools for national cohesion and international cooperation.
We also design cross-national events for decentralized cooperation in Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania (researchers, engineers, inventors, artists and students).
We search for international public and private partners.
Purpose of the entity: Think and Do Tank (both Think Tank and Do Tank)
1. Think tank = Idea laboratory – Reflection group – Information circle – Influence laboratory
2. Do Tank = Social action laboratory
Description of the entity:
· Intellectual Societal Start-Up
· Social, Environmental, Cultural, and Political Innovation Laboratory
· Center for promotion and action for the Transformation of Organizations and Territories for national Cohesion, Social Peace, and International Cooperation (through Experiential Education and Societal Diplomacy)
Activities of the entity:
· Proposing a new development model (opinions, ideas, principles, and theories)
· Production of processes, action plans, educational materials, services, and products
· Implementation of concrete actions and highly collaborative societal projects with principles of openness, altruism, solidarity, sharing, and sustainability.
Operation: Consortium Agreement
A consortium is an agreement between several individuals, associations, or companies for cooperation in the execution of one or more economic, financial, scientific, or cultural operations. Its duration is that of the activity for which its founders planned it.
The consortium agreement is a cooperation contract intended to frame collaborative research and innovation projects. These bring together private partners (companies, investors) and usually public partners (universities, research organizations). Most often, no financial flow transits between them. Generally, the project leader is subsidized for the project's implementation.
While the independence of all consortium members is maintained from a legal perspective, it is still necessary to establish a contract. Serving as a project management tool, it governs the relationships and interactions between the various actors and establishes the mutual rights and obligations of the parties.
I am the driving force behind the EL4DEV program; an international initiative dedicated to creating a just and balanced civil society.
Rooted in the sovereignty of nations, it functions as a transnational mechanism for national cohesion and societal diplomacy.
This program unites decentralized, interconnected cooperation among people working collectively for a shared destiny.
“LE PAPILLON SOURCE” is the ambitious cross-national
project of a series of 100% innovative, experimental, educational and
anti-globalization theme parks + a series of agro-climatic and agro tourism
plant infrastructures all interconnected and spread across the five continents.
In the Mediterranean, European and African areas, the project will create a
real synergy by the development & interconnection of several local dynamics
(cooperation connections) across several countries simultaneously.
The business model of the theme parks is the resort’s one as it is a
destination for complete stays with all inclusive services such as recreation,
hotels, restaurants, experimentations attractions and related services such as
museums, research and development centres, exhibitions, conferences, congresses
and alternatives schools / universities, etc.
· Places dedicated to multidisciplinary research on topics related to humanity, ethics, philosophy, science, energy, and land management, etc. They will concentrate a significant number of researchers, inventors, and visionaries who are currently isolated, without resources, and with great potential, guided solely by the real benefit of humanity.
· Places dedicated to educational tourism (they will create quality entertainment, learning, and a creativity experience for clients of all ages: families, individuals, small, medium, and large businesses, schools, universities, consultants, public figures, and special interest groups)
· Places dedicated to scientific tourism
· Places dedicated to ecological, fair, social, and solidarity tourism, agriculture, well-being, and revitalization
· Places dedicated to business tourism (for meetings, trade shows, exhibitions, and summits where subtlety of mind and intelligence of the heart mingle)
· Places dedicated to the exchange and participatory establishment of agreements and projects on how to ethically and sustainably administer the world’s affairs
Territorial versions of the label:
We look for contributing small municipalities (in each country and across the world) whose return on investments would be co-ownership of the infrastructures, international influence & commercial profits. These contributions would be part of their investment expenditure. Operational agreements would be established between the Think and Do tank & municipalities. These then form national Social Economic Interest Groupings (G.I.E.) in order to pool the investment. This process and subprogram is named THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK.
We then design, organize & plan, in collaboration with the municipalities:
· artistic cooperation cross-national events to convey the essence of the projects
· intellectual cooperation cross-national events to develop technical solutions according to the technical specifications
We use a specific information system (interconnected operational web platforms).
EL4DEV’s forest governance and sustainable development seek to equitably manage natural resources. The agroclimatic plant cities and complexes labelled LE PAPILLON SOURCE and their VEGETAL CALDERAS illustrate an innovative approach for the preservation of the environment, the creation of new ecosystems rich in biodiversity and the food self-sufficiency of people.
The actual inappropriate development models create many major and minor conflicts creating an unbalanced society.
I propose an alternative societal model, THE GEREEN EMPIRE OF THE EAST AND THE WEST (also named the EL4DEV confederation) that offers a vision transcending traditional models, fostering a more ethical and sustainable approach.
I designed a Sci-Fi – Speculative fiction universe. It’s called THE GREEN EMPIRE OF THE EAST AND THE WEST also named The EL4DEV Confederation.
It’s the universe of a very particular international Live Action Role-Playing game (LARP) in Alternate Reality (interactive transmedia narration that uses the real world as a support).
THE GREEN EMPIRE OF THE EAST AND THE WEST is a confederation of several small municipalities located throughout the world (resilient municipalities and villages of less than 5,000 inhabitants).
The architectural, organizational and development model of these municipalities integrating the movement is modeled on:
· Experimental tourist self-regulated and educational agroclimatic cities (also named Alter globalization theme parks)
· And self-regulated agroclimatic plant complexes (agricultural production sites using alternative processes also named Self-Managed Food Banks Cities)
At the heart of these 2 types of experimental places, we find vertical structures (lush agroclimatic vertical forest gardens / vertical parks that can be visited in 3D) called THE VEGETAL CALDERAS.
The particularity of VEGETAL CALDERAS is that they are also generators of beneficial waves (positive electromagnetic fields for living things) and humidity (especially in arid areas).
They are also botanical conservatories and refuges for migratory and native birds and refuges for bees.
So, in each tourist city (educational alter globalization theme park) and in each agroclimatic plant complex (place only for agricultural production with alternative processes also named Self-Managed Food Banks Cities), we find several VEGETAL CALDERAS (vertical agroclimatic structures) at their heart.
In short, THE GREEN EMPIRE OF THE EAST AND THE WEST also called the EL4DEV confederation is:
· The operational and administrative connection of all infrastructures labeled LE PAPILLON SOURCE throughout the world
· And the operational and administrative connection of all municipalities in the world of less than 5000 inhabitants which take as a model of infrastructure development LE PAPILLON SOURCE cities and complexes and which co-finance in unified groups the development of these infrastructures throughout the world. These municipalities all become empowered and self-regulated like the infrastructures LE PAPILLON SOURCE are.
These national groupings of municipalities in which infrastructures labeled LE PAPILLON SOURCE are built form national societal Economic Interest Groups and end up agglomerating with others giving birth to new geopolitical blocs whose basis is no longer trade commercial but intellectual and cultural exchanges. It’s the subprogram named THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTERATTACK.
While the complexity of international relations and geopolitical tensions may seem impossible to resolve through a single program, my approach centred on cooperation, sustainable development, and intercultural understanding offers innovative perspectives that could contribute to alleviating some of the challenges discussed in the geopolitical essay “The Clash of Civilizations”.
Paul Elvere DELSART is a French Social engineer, an Eco-entrepreneur, the Director of the Multidisciplinary Participatory Engineering and social construction Program named EL4DEV, a Publisher of Anticipation novels and short stories (Social science fiction – Speculative fictions) in real environments and a self-taught Artist.
He is notably the author of the Social fiction universes and sub-universes called the Green Empire of the East and the West (the EL4DEV Confederation), LE PAPILLON SOURCE, The Vegetal Calderas and The Civilization of Cats. He uses social fiction to trigger social innovation.
In particular, He assumes his role as a visionary entrepreneur by developing solutions to social, environmental and diplomatic problems to ultimately create innovative and interconnected social enterprises and then a new development model.
1. Self-financing through the sale of numerous products: books (fiction, essays, children's literature, reports) in paper and digital formats in several languages under the EL4DEV brand (EL4DEV editions)
2. Self-financing through the sale of merchandise under Green Empire of the East and the West brand
3. Self-financing through the sale of tourist services under LE PAPILLON SOURCE brand
4. Various subsidies from local authorities (autonomous communities, provinces, municipalities, and possibly districts and inter-municipalities)
5. International crowdfunding through digital campaigns
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online
Google Drive link (to
view online in PDF format)
EL4DEV PDF platform
(to download in PDF format)
Other links (to view
online and download in PDF format)
Boards (French and English)
Beacons (English)
LinkTree (all my blogs in French, English and Spanish)
My books (in French, English and Spanish)
Presentation of the founder and program director
Open letters
Action plan and projects
Live-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West
Press kits, White papers and Press review
News feed
Page Facebook 1
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VKontakte (VK)
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Buy my books (in French, English and Spanish)
Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
E-mail 1: e.delsart.consultant@gmail.com
E-mail 2: paul-elvere-delsart@yandex.com